The Wolf And The Seven Young Goats bedtime story: a magical tale to read

In a cozy little cottage nestled in the heart of a verdant forest lived Mother Goat and her seven young kids. Known for their playful spirits and tender hearts, the young goats filled the forest with laughter and joy. However, lurking within the shadows of the same woods was a cunning wolf, always in search of a chance to feast. "The Wolf and the Seven Young Goats" is a tale of wit and wisdom, teaching lessons about caution, cleverness, and the strength found in unity. As the mother leaves for the market, she warns her kids about the dangers of the cunning wolf. This story unfolds the suspense and adventure as they outsmart the wolf who tries to trick his way into their home.

The wolf and the seven young goats bed time

The wolf and the seven young goats

Chapter 1: A Mother’s Warning

One crisp morning, as the dew still clung to the leaves and the air smelled of pine and earth, Mother Goat prepared to go to the market. Gathering her seven kids around her, she looked into their innocent eyes, her heart swelling with love and a twinge of worry. “My dear children,” she began, her voice soft but firm, “I must go to the market to bring back food and supplies. Remember, do not open the door for anyone while I am gone. The cunning wolf lurks nearby, and he would love nothing more than to trick you into letting him in.”

The kids nodded, their ears perking up at the mention of the wolf. “We will be careful, Mother,” they chimed together, their voices a mix of excitement and nervousness. “We won’t open the door for anyone,” promised the eldest, a sense of duty in his tone.

Satisfied but cautious, Mother Goat left the cottage, her last glance at her beloved kids filled with hope and prayer.

Chapter 2: The Wolf’s Deceit

No sooner had Mother Goat disappeared down the forest path than the wolf set his plan into motion. He approached the cottage, his steps silent, his mind whirring with wicked thoughts. Knocking gently on the door, he disguised his gruff voice as sweetly as he could. “Open the door, my dears,” he cooed, “it’s your mother, I have returned with treats for you.”

But the youngest kid, peering through a crack in the door, noticed his black paws. “Your voice is too coarse!” she cried. “You’re not our mother, for her voice is soft and sweet. And your paws are too dark and grimy!”

Frustrated but not defeated, the wolf retreated to a miller’s shop and begged the miller to dust his paws with flour, making them white and soft. His voice he softened by swallowing a bit of oil, and back he went to the cottage.

Chapter 3: The Second Attempt

Knocking once more, the wolf used his feigned gentle voice. “Open the door, my loves,” he sang, “it’s your mother, and I have goodies for all of you.”

This time, his voice was sweeter, and his paws were white. The kids, deceived by his disguise, began to unlatch the door. However, the eldest kid, cautious and clever, peeped through the window and noticed the shadow of the wolf’s tail hidden beneath his cloak.

“Stop!” he bellowed, pulling his siblings away from the door. “It’s the wolf, not our mother! Our mother does not have a tail as bushy as the night!”

Thwarted again, the wolf howled in anger and stormed away. But he was not one to give up easily. His mind began to churn another deceitful plan to gain entry into the cottage.

Chapter 4: The Final Scheme

The wolf, driven by hunger and rage, found a local baker and convinced him to cover his tail with dough and bake it to resemble a baguette. Disguising his tail was his last resort. He approached the cottage again, confident in his complete disguise.

Knocking for the third time, he cooed, “My dear children, open the door. It’s your mother, and I’ve brought the feast you so richly deserve.”

This time, the youngest kid saw through the window that all seemed in order: white paws and no bushy tail. The kids, hungry and convinced, finally opened the door. But as the door swung open, the eldest kid saw the tip of the wolf’s tail peeking from underneath the dough.

Chapter 5: A Narrow Escape

The scream of warning barely left his lips when the wolf burst through the door. In a flash of fear and adrenaline, the kids scattered, using their wits and the house’s many hiding spots to evade the wolf. He searched furiously but found none of them.

The youngest kid had hidden in the clock case, the second in the flour bin, and others in places where the wolf’s paws could not reach. Exhausted and frustrated, the wolf finally collapsed in a heap by the fire, deciding to wait for their return.

Meanwhile, the eldest kid, who had hidden outside and watched through the window, saw his chance. He gathered his siblings, and together they pushed the sleeping wolf into the cooking pot on the fire. Just then, Mother Goat returned, her heart dropping at the sight before her.

Together, they secured the wolf, and Mother Goat embraced her kids, her relief as vast as the forest. The wolf, realizing he had underestimated the cleverness and unity of the young goats, begged for mercy. Mother Goat, wise and just, let him go on the promise that he never return.

From that day, the tale of the brave kids and the cunning wolf spread across the land, a story of caution and courage, reminding all of the power of unity and cleverness in the face of deceit.

The End

This version of “The Wolf and the Seven Young Goats” expands the classic tale into a detailed narrative, emphasizing themes of cleverness, bravery, and the protective power of family.

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Life Lessons from The wolf and the seven young goats

In “The Wolf and the Seven Young Goats,” the tale’s moral resonates profoundly: caution and trust are vital lessons. Through the gripping narrative of the wolf’s deceit and the young goats’ vulnerability, readers grasp the importance of discernment and unity.

The story underscores the value of listening to one’s instincts and recognizing potential threats while emphasizing the strength found in solidarity and familial bonds. As the tale concludes with the goats outsmarting the cunning wolf, young readers glean the invaluable lesson of remaining vigilant against deception while finding safety and solace within the circle of trust and kinship.

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